Monday, February 17, 2025

“Bruised Inside & Out”

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The poem “Bruised Inside & Out” was written by Jennifer Beach to meet the requirements of an 11th grade English assignment. The assignment proved to be an outlet for a special person who showed her caring for others in many ways. In 1991 Jennifer had encountered a situation that touched upon one of life’s tragedies, child abuse. Upon noticing a young girl that had apparent signs of abuse Jennifer contacted the authorities but was told that nothing could be done unless the abuser was caught “in the act” or that there had to be more evidence provided than mere marks and bruises. Unable to deliver any further evidence of the crime she was forced to live with the frustration of not being able to help beyond watching and wondering what else might be going behind closed doors. The assignment provided an outlet for this frustration.

Not very long after Jennifer wrote this poem she lost her life in a car accident. She was a kind and giving seventeen year old that often looked for ways to help others. Her family has decided to publish this poem with two purposes in mind. First of all, there is a hope that the poem may touch someone who might be involved or close to the type of situation addressed. If the words here help that person to make a difference in their or another persons life then no greater reward could be achieved. Secondly, there is hope that the distribution of this poem may raise funds to help organizations that deal first hand with child abuse and domestic violence victims, as well as other benevolent causes.

Help us reach others

Copies of Bruised Inside & Out a poem by Jennifer Beach are available for purchase. Share with family and friends or someone you know who may be helped by the words of this poem. Individuals, companies or organizations may find this poem helpful as part of a Child Abuse and Neglect awareness program. It is also possible for the Jennifer Beach Foundation to recognize individuals, companies or organizations as sponsors for the printing and distribution of a specified quantity of poems to be directed towards a specific geographic area or group (school, youth group, shelter, etc.). Please contact the Jennifer Beach Foundation regarding pricing information for additional copies of the poem.